cocaine addiction treatment

Many issues play a role, including other mental health disorders,  your background, and your environment. The most important part of any treatment plan is to give up the drug right away. Many people who are addicted to cocaine go through a phase called withdrawal when they first do this. Withdrawal can be difficult, so it may be best to do it with the help of a medical professional. This cycle can lead to cocaine use disorder, in which you have trouble controlling how much and how often you use the drug even when it has negative effects on your life. Research suggests that certain communities may be more prone to using drugs, including cocaine.

In recovery, people can learn to live free from cocaine once group therapy ideas for addiction again and recover the person they truly are. Thousands of people who struggled with cocaine addiction have successfully changed their lives for the better. If you or someone you know has a destructive cocaine habit, today is the day to reach out for help. Contact a treatment provider today to get answers to any questions about rehab.

Participation in mutual help groups (such as 12-step meetings) is generally encouraged. To cultivate a comprehensive approach to your recovery journey at CCCADA, it’s important to incorporate holistic approaches that address your mind, body, and spirit. Holistic approaches for cocaine addiction treatment focus on treating the whole person rather than just the addiction itself. These approaches recognize that addiction isn’t just a physical issue, but also involves emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. Because cocaine is a highly addictive substance, it can cause dependence ― which is where your body becomes dependent on the drug and needs more of it to have the same effects.

For example, those who identify as LGBTQ are more than twice as likely to use illicit drugs as heterosexual people. LGBTQ adults are also more than twice as likely to have a substance use disorder. If you seek an inpatient program, you would be in a supervised setting where you are not able to obtain or use the drug. When you stop taking cocaine, you can experience severe withdrawal symptoms that need to be managed. The main complication of cocaine addiction is overdose, which results in cocaine toxicity. While cocaine can adversely affect every organ in the body, its most dangerous and life-threatening effects are on thecardiovascular system.

How to Choose a Cocaine Treatment Program

When people enter treatment, addiction has often caused serious consequences in their lives, possibly disrupting their health and how they function in their family lives, at work, and in the community. Different types of medications may be useful at different stages of treatment to help a patient stop abusing drugs, stay in treatment, and avoid relapse. The drug disulfiram, which is used to treat alcoholism, has shown some promise for cocaine addiction. Cocaine, especially crack cocaine, is strongly addictive for several reasons.

In addition, dextroamphetamine-treated subjects were more likely to be abstinent for three consecutive weeks compared to those receiving placebo. Several randomized trials have shown VBRT to be efficacious in promoting initial abstinence in cocaine users in outpatient treatment (11–15). For example, Higgins et al. (12) randomly assigned 40 cocaine-dependent subjects to receive behavioral therapy with or without VBRT for 12 weeks, followed by an additional 24 weeks of behavioral therapy alone. After 24 weeks, the average duration of cocaine abstinence was greater for the VBRT group compared with the control group (11.7 weeks versus 6.0 weeks) (12). In another trial, 37 cocaine- and opiate-dependent patients liberty cap gills treated with methadone maintenance were randomly assigned to VBRT versus a control treatment (13).

What Does Cocaine Do to Your Body?

If available, administer naloxone, which can reverse an opioid overdose but won’t have any effect on the cocaine overdose. As previously mentioned, a growing number of cocaine overdoses also involve opioids, like fentanyl. In addition to therapy, holistic approaches often include activities that promote physical well-being, such as exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness practices like yoga or meditation.

Mixing Cocaine with Other Drugs

cocaine addiction treatment

With the help of trained professionals, you can safely detoxify your body and manage any withdrawal symptoms that may arise. Our comprehensive approach to treatment includes personalized plans tailored to your unique needs, including medication-assisted treatment options and holistic approaches for long-term success. We also offer supportive services for families and loved ones, recognizing the importance of a strong support system in the recovery process. Cocaine is a highly addictive substance that can cause withdrawal symptoms during detox, including agitation, fatigue, depression, and more. Cocaine detox can start as soon as 24 hours after the last dose, and it can take more than 1 to 2 weeks for acute withdrawal symptoms to stop.

  1. VBRT is delivered as a component of a psychosocial treatment, such as IOT or drug counseling, CBT or community reinforcement therapy, rather than alone.
  2. Besides keeping yourself physically safe, you need to keep yourself mentally well.
  3. Other challenges include identifying innovative platforms for providing psychosocial treatment.

Lifestyle Quizzes

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular method for treating people with addictions. Cognitive behavioral therapists teach patients to recognize harmful thoughts about themselves – thoughts that might serve as triggers for a relapse – and situations where they might experience temptations to use cocaine again. With this recognition, patients can develop coping strategies to banish relapse-oriented thoughts from their minds and avoid tempting situations. This form of therapy provides whats the legal drinking age in russia patients a sense of agency and accountability, a sense which is essential for staying motivated and putting away cocaine once and for all.

For anyone considering treatment for cocaine addiction, it’s helpful to seek a substance abuse evaluation from an addiction professional to determine the right type of support. This determination is based on a number of factors including the severity of the addiction, living environment, and psychiatric and medical needs. Unlike heroin and opioid drugs, there are no medications used to treat cocaine addiction. The treatment is focused on detoxification (also referred to as detox) and behavioral therapies. You might receive treatment with a pharmaceutical drug if you have a co-addiction that can be treated pharmacologically, such as an addiction to alcohol or opioids.

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