Technical audits are an evaluation of the technology infrastructure of an organization. The goal is identify strengths and weaknesses in the technology stack, and ensure it aligns with your company’s goals. This is a crucial aspect before starting a new project, and it provides valuable insight on how the technology will perform.

Tech audits differ from IT reviews and security assessment they focus more on evaluating systems in terms of compliance and security. Tech audits examine all the tools your organization employs to perform its work, their effectiveness cost, as well as integrations with various technologies.

The specifics of a tech audit are determined by the person conducting the audit. It could be requested by the CFO who wants to reduce software costs or by a team of executives who want to be more efficient and agile.

One of the most frequent outcomes of a technology stack audit is that several tools are used for similar functions. As an example marketing teams could utilize Asana and Wrike, while engineering may make use of Jira. The data doesn’t flow freely between departments, and there’s no one source of truth.

Another common finding is that apps that aren’t sanctioned are being used by particular teams or departments. Some of these apps can be beneficial and bring value, but they also be risky, particularly when integrations and security aren’t vetted. A tech audit can provide the leadership a better understanding of the tools they use and how they’re being employed, allowing them to decide whether they should be integrated into the overall technology stack.

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