Although it will take time and effort, it is possible to establish and maintain a healthy marriage while a spouse is recovering from addiction. Living with an alcoholic partner can tremendously affect your emotional and mental health. Exhaustion, stress, anxiety, and depression are some of the products of this. Your work and marital relationship, as well as your social life, will also be affected. You may feel guilty believing it’s your fault for your spouse’s addiction.

  • Have a confidential, completely free conversation with a treatment provider about your financial options.
  • Part of recovery is learning not just to avoid destructive behaviors, but to learn to have a good time doing things that are drug and alcohol-free.
  • As with any other chronic illness, the more informed you are the better you will be able to support them.

Less visible are the people who survive the illness and rebuild their lives. Kelly co-authored a peer-reviewed study published last year that found roughly 22.3 million Americans — more than 9% of adults — live in recovery after some form of substance-use disorder. Financial troubles and problems finding and keeping employment are major triggers for relapse, but it is possible to take baby steps and get your finances in order. Just keep in mind that your improvements won’t happen overnight. Having a chaotic or disorganized lifestyle can also hinder your recovery. It’s important to develop a structured daily and weekly schedule and stick to it.

Take control of your life

While you and the rest of the recovering individual’s family members should not be overbearing with distrust, you should not give someone in recovery free rein or total control either. Addiction destroys trust, and that trust can be rebuilt over time. There is always safe harbor in positive and interesting conversation.

living with a recovering alcoholic

Because recovery is a lifelong process, your loved one won’t be “cured” once he or she comes back from treatment. You play an important role in supporting the life changes required for long-term recovery for your loved one. Physical and verbal support can be just as encouraging and helpful as attending family counseling sessions or paying for a sober living program. You may choose to provide verbal support by verbalizing the fact that you are proud of the choices and lifestyle changes your loved one is making to better him or herself. If you’re not comfortable vocally expressing this, you can always write a letter or a short note and give it to your loved one. If your loved one needs a ride to his or her support group meeting, make time to take him or her if possible.

Identify Your Personal Triggers

By the 90-day mark, you will begin to notice a difference in how you feel both physically and emotionally. As time passes, the urge to drink will diminish and cravings should subside. Stay involved in support group meetings and counseling sessions on a regular basis, even if you’re starting to feel like your normal self again. Life after alcohol rehab can seem like a maze with no end in sight. No matter your situation or how long you’ve been out of treatment, help is available. Treatment providers are available to help and support sobriety.

living with a recovering alcoholic

In most cases, drug use significantly changes the lives of all those close to the addict—none more so than the immediately family. Even though your family member may have successfully completed treatment, the consequences of addiction could continue to affect the rest of the family for a long time to come. “Nobody recovered from addiction dead. My feeling is if we can keep people alive long enough, we know eventually the majority get recovery,” he said. Research suggests they often thrive in long-term recovery, reconnecting with family and enjoying economic success. If someone you care about recently quit drinking, they have likely found themselves in a whole new phase of life.

What Are the Effects of Living with an Alcoholic Spouse?

Contact a treatment provider to learn more about alcohol treatment and recovery options available nearby. Ideally, a home should be completely emptied of any substances that could be intoxicating. The only way to know how your friend or loved one feels about people drinking in front of them is to ask. Most individuals in recovery will appreciate your consideration, but there is a line between asking politely and confronting your loved one. While the way you ask will vary depending on your current relationship dynamic, most cases will involve asking the question, accepting the answer and making a plan for the future.

Should you stop drinking if your partner is in recovery?

All in all, people in relationships tend to have a greater risk for relapse, especially when one person is committed to being sober while the other isn't. Therefore, it may be a good idea to quit or cut down your own drinking for at least a temporary period, in the initial stages of your loved one's recovery.

I have never really delved into what my husband experienced in his recovery programme – he finds it difficult enough to talk about mundane things, let alone life-changing ones. When facing a partner’s relapse, you may impulsively try to take control of the situation, but it’s important to recognize that they are accountable and responsible for their recovery. However, putting in place accountability measures may help with repairing and rebuilding trust. Early in recovery, sensory reminders (visual, smell, places, certain people) are best avoided, but down the road some triggers may lose potency. Occasionally check in and see how your partner is doing and readjust accordingly.

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This can be fine when out of the house, but to facilitate recovery, stay sober at home. This is true even if your substance of choice is not the same as the source of your friend or loved one’s addiction. Addiction is a terrible condition, and it is especially terrible for the loved ones that live with an addict or alcoholic. Every year, millions of Americans find the help that they need to get started living a better, sober life.

Engage in activities you love and seek professional help if you’re experiencing any health issues. According to the World Health Organization report, about 55% of assaults done by one partner against the other happened after the abuser had drunk. Another research proved that heavy and frequent drinking increases the risk of domestic abuse.

We hugged, cried and did all the things that friends, lovers and film stars do when they are reunited. However, there are things you can do to be a better support system and encourage a healthy, happy home. These five tips for living with an addict in recovery can make life easier for everyone under your roof. For those living with a recovering addict, the ups and downs of recovery can be very challenging.

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